Contact Us

3340 Riverside Dr. Ste D, Chino CA91710, USA
TEL: +1-877-311-9068
Mail:[email protected]
Sam Win International Inc.
5F., No. 2, Ln. 50, Sec. 3, Nangang Rd., Nangang Dist., Taipei City 11564 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
Office hour:Monday to Friday 09:00~18:00
Service hour:09:00~12:00、13:00~18:00
Customer Service mailbox:[email protected]
MRT Bannan Line/ Kunyang Station Exit.4, walk forward Sec. 3, Nangang Rd direction along Kunyang Street for about 6 mins then you’’ll reach the Nangang Far Eastern Intellectual Park
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Customer Service Time
Monday to Friday
09:00~12:00 13:00~18:00
Customer service hotline
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Customer service mailbox
We’ll contact you as soon as possible
[email protected]